OPALE SYSTEMS, Clément LAURIAT-JOLY Speech To Text and IVR testing IVR (stands for Interactive Voice Recorder) An IVR (stands for Interactive Voice Recorder) is a voice call system that is driven through specific audio patterns or some phone touches (that sends DTMFs... DSLA IVR MultiDSLA VPP Voice Quality
OPALE SYSTEMS, Frédéric MACAIGNE What is VONR: Voice over New Radio? VoNR: what does this new acronyme mean? VoIP (Voice over IP), VoLTE (Voice over LTE) and now VoNR (Voice over New Radio) The history of one to one voice communication started with Graham Bell, when 2 ... DSLA MultiDSLA PESQ POLQA VoNR Voice Quality
OPALE SYSTEMS, Frédéric MACAIGNE MultiDSLA reverse management How Voice Quality products from Opale Systems MultiDSLA, VPP and DSLA will integrate your cloud infrastructure way easier than ever? MultiDSLA and its nodes VPP and DSLA: the genesis When developing t... DSLA MultiDSLA VPP VoIP
OPALE SYSTEMS, Frédéric MACAIGNE VoIP tests with VPP vs VPP+ VPP stands for Vox Port Packet. It is a SIP software agent that hooks to your SBC and replaces a hardware device. What does VPP mean and how does it interact with MultiDSLA interfaces? VPP is seen in ... AMR EVS LTE MultiDSLA SIP VPP VoIP VoNR