Step Change a Test Parameter with MultiDSLA v5

Enhanced Parameter Variation in MultiDSLA v5: Simplifying Sequential Task Modifications

Whilst it has always been a simple matter to step change a parameter in a series of sequential tasks, now it is much easier in MultiDSLA version 5.  We added a property to the Task header that can change a value in the Node Config, such as Level Offset, or can change an event property value in a Task.

Streamlining Task Customization with Node and Event Property Changes in MultiDSLA v5

The picture below shows a task with two tracks on the Speaker Node. The second track has a single event, play Gaussian White Noise for 9.25 seconds whilst the first track performs the speech quality measurement.

In the Task Header, a new property titled "Step Node/Tasklist Event Property" is highlighted. In the right hand pane, click on the Node/Event Property to open a dialogue where the parameter  to be varied can be

defined. The picture below shows a task event has been selected but it could be a Node Config property instead.

Having chosen the Event Property, click OK and set the start and finish values and step size in the Task.  Run the test and see the result in a Trend Report, for example:-


Contact Opale Systems or your distributor for more information.

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